Becoming A Horny Feminist – art and sexuality party

Posted on November 1, 2021

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

Sexual freedom from a horny and feminist perspective. Immerse yourself in intimacy, partying, sensuality, dialogue, art and glitter!

On this special evening, Blue Artichoke Films and I will be present for performances, readings, panels, and playing.


Join us!


This evening is composed in collaboration with wildly popular podcast DAMN, HONEY (featuring Marie Lotte Hagen and Nydia van Voorthuizen) and Sexual Welfare Netherlands (Seksueel Welzijn Nederland).



Lotte van Eijk & Deen Groothuizen * Pussy Pendants * DJ Djette Nanixa * Bustie La Tish * Ginny Vie Fauve * The Multifaceted Womxn * My All * Leyla de Muynck * Blossom Books * Sexual Welfare Netherlands * Resist Reshape * Spirit’n Roses * Consent Exercise * Jennifer Lyon Bell & Blue Artichoke Films * Sex workers panel led by Marie Lotte Hagen and Nydia van Voorthuizen and more

More Info: The Events page at Blue Artichoke Films


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