Belgian TV documentary features Blue Artichoke

Posted on November 17, 2009

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

This Belgian documentary on Prime TV poses a new generation of erotic artists, including director Jennifer, as a positive and worthy reaction against the dulling of desire in modern society. We're happy to have been included.

Contributing to the popular European debate surrounding the “pornification of society”, Belgian filmmakers Hans Vercauter and Thomas Devos are bringing their new documentary “Dood Van Het Verlangen (The Death of Desire)” to Belgian TV channel Prime TV.


Featuring a variety of Dutch and Belgian scientists, commentators, journalists, and artists, their documentary explores the effects of porn-inspired visual culture on the rest of society.


We’re pleased to be invited onto the program. Jennifer’s interview mostly centers around the exciting possibilities for alternative erotica and pornography, and how she thinks they can address the possible critiques of so-called ‘mainstream porn.’


The documentary also flatteringly highlights Blue Artichoke Film’s “MatinĂ©e” as a good example of how film could portrays — and create — real desire.


Jennifer turns out to be the only erotic/porn filmmaker interviewed in the documentary, though there is also a very interesting interview with Carmen De Vos, editor-in-chief of the excellent Belgian artist/alternative-porn “erotic Polaroid” magazine TicKL. It’s nice to be in such intriguing company.


The documentary premieres on November 22, 2009 and will air throughout the winter and spring of 2010. Thanks to Hans Vercauter and Thomas Devos for including us.

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