Broadly/Vice interviews Jennifer about Second Date and the perfect porn film

Posted on November 29, 2018

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

Broadly, the women's arts and culture branch of pop empire Vice, interviews Jennifer in Dutch about her erotic inspirations, her "secret" technique for directing her virtual reality film Second Date, and making the perfect porn film.

Thanks to Broadly/Vice magazine journalist Milou Deelen for coming to the Blue Artichoke Films offices to get to know Jennifer, talk about the perfect porn film, and get a sneak peek at Jennifer’s new Virtual Reality movie Second Date.


Feminist porn – still underground?

Milou, herself a young feminist activist famous for her sex-positive “anti-slutshaming” efforts, admits in the interview that she didn’t know about feminist porn until meeting Jennifer.


Yes, they all know!

Jennifer talks about all her friends, family members, and colleagues with whom she can afford to be honest about Blue Artichoke Films.


Journalist Milou joins Jennifer’s mission!

Fun fact: After interviewing Jennifer and watching Second Date, Milou was so enthusiastic about the possibilities of feminist porn that she called Jennifer to report she’d actually agreed to have an orgasm on camera in a special video for Viva magazine’s sex toy launch with Rianne S. As Milou put it, “You’re right, Jennifer — I think being sexual on camera, and unashamed, is important for other women to see.” Go Milou!


Read the interview here

Read the interview in Dutch online here.


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