De Telegraaf features Blue Artichoke Films

Posted on May 18, 2009

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

De Telegraaf, the biggest daily Dutch morning newspaper, covered Jennifer, Blue Artichoke Films, and Matinee today, with a sweet article entitled (in translation) "Cute Asses and Lots Of Emotion". There are probably a lot of Dutch people with wide eyes over their coffee this morning.

National Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf interviewed Jennifer for their article “Lekkere Billen En Veel Emotie” (“Cute Asses and Lots Of Emotion”).


Jennifer talks about emotion in sex film, how to achieve authenticity, and why the characters in her films don’t get married.


Though the printed version has more photos and sidebars, on De Telegraaf’s website you can still read the main article.


Adding to the article with great points about the blending of straight and lesbian porn, and about the internet, are Marije Janssen and Katrien Jacobs.


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