Porn Without Frontiers: Panel on vintage 8mm trade


Porn Without Frontiers: Panel on vintage 8mm trade

Filmhuis Cavia , Amsterdam
Sat, Oct 12 2019 @19:00 - 23:00

Dr. Oliver Carter gives a fun and educational history evening about the porn 8mm film trade between London's Soho and Amsterdam


Porn Without Frontiers


In this unique evening,  Dr. Oliver Carter comes from the UK to offer a lecture and panel discussion about the rarely-discussed 8mm trade in sex films between London Soho and Netherlands in the 1970s and 1980s.


“Pornography recognises no borders. Fifty years ago, as hard-core emerged from under the counters of bookshops across Europe, there was already an international trade in explicit images and 8mm films. The illicit involvement of Britain – where hard porn remained illegal until the end of the 20th century – is only now being discovered. At 19:00 Dr Oliver Carter and a panel of adult industry experts will discuss the untold tale of the traffic between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. At 21:00 there will be a screening of sexploitation documentary THE PORNBROKERS featuring unique interviews with blue movie pioneers.”


Speaker: Dr Oliver Carter


Dr. Carter  is a senior lecturer in media and cultural theory at the Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research at Birmingham City University. He’s also part of an organization called Erotic Film Society, which champions porn history, scholarship, and appreciation. I have seen both Dr. Carter and his colleague Julian Marsh give lectures, and I was impressed with their sex-positivity.


Screening of The Pornbrokers


After the discussion, Dr. Carter will screen the sexploitation documentary THE PORNBROKERS featuring unique interviews with blue movie pioneers.


Date & time

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Saturday, 12 October, 2019

  Filmhuis Cavia, Van Hallstraat 52-I (up the stairs), 1051 HH Amsterdam



Special thanks

Special thanks to Stefano Dooitjes and Filmhuis Cavia for once again providing a safe space for explicitly sexual screenings and lively discussion about the important topic of pornography.


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