Sex & Media Prize sexology award nomination for Adorn


Sex & Media Prize sexology award nomination for Adorn

Reehorst Center , Ede, Netherlands
Fri, Nov 29 2019 @8:30 - 17:15

Adorn has been nominated for the NVVS Dutch Scientific Institute For Sexology's "Sex & Media Prize" award — come!

Adorn nominated for NVVS Seks & Mediaprijs

We’ve just received word that out of all the nominees, our film Adorn is one of only three finalists for the coveted 2019 Seks & Media Prijs (Sex & Media Prize). We are grateful for the nomination!


This award is given by the Dutch sexology community to honor a media piece (article, TV show, book) that appreciably affects and improves the public dialogue around sexuality in the Netherlands. The NVVS Dutch Scientific Institute For Sexology (Nederlandse Wetenschappelijke Vereniging voor Seksuologie) holds their conference this fall, and midday they will hold an awards ceremony in which one of the three finalists will be awarded the prize.


The jury’s description of why they chose Adorn as a finalist (translated from the Dutch):


Adorn is appealing and conveys just the right kind of realism about sex. In this porn film, sex is about more than just penetration — it’s about the importance of touching each other and of sexy playfulness. It’s innovative in a fulfilling, interesting, informative, and arousing way. In comparison to many other porn directors, director Jennifer Lyon Bell lets the actors lead via their own desires and boundaries, and as a result they sincerely enjoy their sexual experience together. Where others may discuss or write about what’s important when it comes to enjoyable sex, Bell shows it.



The other two nominees this year are;


  1. “Nooit Te Oud (Never Too Old)” Episode 1. A Volkskrant short film portrait by Kim Faber and Iris Frankenhuizen about Valerie, an elderly woman sharing her feelings about sex and her online dating life.
  2. “Knaap (Handsome)”. A short documentary by and about Daan Wielens, in which he explores how his status as a 25-year old virgin intersects with his sense of masculinity.


Jennifer’s earlier film Silver Shoes was the first ever erotic/porn movie  in history to receive a NVVS Seks & Mediaprijs nomination.


Awards ceremony Seks & Mediaprijs


At midday, Minke de Boer (head of the Seks & Mediaprijs) and her team will host a ceremony where each of the 3 nominees shows their work and speaks to the relevance of their work to society. After this, the prize will be awarded to the winner.


Jennifer will naturally be present and looks forward to the event.


Date & time


  Reehorst conference center, Ede, Netherlands

Date: Friday, 29 November, 2019

Time: 12.00-13.00


Autumn NVVS Conference 2019


This fall’s conference will be held on the topic of “Gender Variation and Sexology.”

All are welcome to attend. (You can sign up here.) The language is Dutch.

The day’s events:


08:30 uur Registratie en ontvangst met koffie en thee
09:00 uur Algemene Leden Vergadering NVVS (ALV)
09:30 uur Opening en welkomstwoord
Rik van Lunsen
09.40 uur Differences in sex development (DSD) – achtergronden en klinische consequenties 
Hedi Claahsen – van der Grinten
10:10 uur “Geheim Geslacht – Hoe geheimhouding de levens van mensen met een intersekse ervaring beïnvloedde”
Margriet van Heesch
10.40 uur Psychoseksualiteit en DSD
Tim van de Grift
11:10 uur PAUZE
11:40 uur Het Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie (TvS) – overzicht publicaties
Marieke Dewitte
12.10 uur Uitreiking Seks & Media Prijs 2019 NVVS
12.40 uur LUNCH
13.40 uur Seksueel, psychisch en relationeel functioneren van vrouwen met het Mayer Rokintansky Kuster Hauser (MRKH) syndroom en hun mannelijke partners
Stephanie Both & Philomeen Weijenborg
14.10 uur Genitale chirurgie bij DSD. “Ik kan niet toveren”
Barbara Kortmann
14.40 uur Ervaringsdeskundigen
Martine de Meijer
15.10 uur PAUZE
15.40 uur Casuistiek
16.30 uur Spoken word
17.00 uur Take Home Messages
17.15 uur Afsluiting met een borrel



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