Thanks to Alison Nastasi for her shoutout to sexually autonomous characters in erotic media! She talks about the independent character of Mariah in Jennifer’s movie “Matinée.”
Flavorwire: “A Brief Survey of Sexually Autonomous Women in Film”
In Flavorwire's article "A Brief Survey of Sexually Autonomous Women in Film," author Alison Nastasi says of Jennifer: "Her movies straddle the hazy line between indie art drama and (intelligent) porn, presenting sexual and emotional authenticity."
Thanks to Alison Nastasi for her shoutout to sexually autonomous characters in erotic media! She talks about the independent character of Mariah in Jennifer’s movie “Matinée.”
Flavorwire: “A Brief Survey of Sexually Autonomous Women in Film”
Wax, the popular Belgian paper De Morgen's weekend magazine, runs a great article about Blue Artichoke Films called "Vulnerability is arousing". Fantastic summary of what Blue Artichoke Films is all about....
Read MoreGiving a great review to our film Silver Shoes, this feminist magazine appreciates how director Jennifer Lyon Bell explodes clichés about women's sexuality. ...
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