Huffington Post: Silver Shoes is explicit yet authentic

Posted on May 21, 2015

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

The Huffington Post applauds Silver Shoes, Jennifer's filmmaking approach, and the truth behind how women actually love raw, gasping intensity. True intimacy isn't sanitized.

The Huffington Post on intimacy


The German edition of The Huffington Post compliments our new film Silver Shoes for its authenticity,  and illuminates some of Jennifer’s beliefs about women, sex, and porn. Most importantly, they emphasize that Jennifer isn’t saying that women need soft porn. They agree that many women (and men) want to see raw films with gasping, beads of sweat, and faces distorted with emotion between pleasure and pain. Silver Shoes is their example of a film that creates this feeling, which they say is itself a form of intimacy. We couldn’t agree more!




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