Jennifer teaches Ladyfest “Feminist Porn & Erotic Film” workshop

Posted on January 11, 2009

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

"Would you like to find porn/erotica that turns you on without offending your feminist sensibilities?" Filled with clips, Jennifer gives a talk at Ladyfest to help you explore sexy new erotic material you never knew existed.

Jennifer is excited to be leading a women’s workshop at the excellent international feminist festival Ladyfest.


Workshop description:


“Would you like to find porn/erotica that turns you on without offending your feminist sensibilities? Erotic film director Jennifer Lyon Bell (Blue Artichoke Films) will lead this workshop, featuring examples of popular feminist porn/erotic film: Queer web porn, documentaries featuring loving couples, videos focusing on the male body.  We’ll discuss the importance of fantasy versus reality, the ‘sex education’ role of porn, and the reasons that making feminist porn is so challenging. If you believe that feminist porn is not only possible but desirable, here’s a place to find out what exists and imagine what could be.”


We decided to create this workshop for female-identified participants only, but Jennifer promises to someday hold a similar workshop for men, too! Men welcome at the festival, though they may want to skip the DIY Sanitary Pad session. :-). PS Thanks to Amsterdam organizers Doreen Wittenbols and Barbara Paternotte for inviting us to speak.


    WHAT: Feminist Porn And Erotic Film workshop WHERE: Plantagedok (address: Plantage Doklaan 8/12 located near the Artis zoo)
    WHEN: Sunday September 7th 2008, 1:00pm-3:00pm
    HOW: Reserve a spot at or just come by.
    • MORE INFO:

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