Opzij feminist magazine features Blue Artichoke

Posted on March 10, 2009

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

Opzij, the most popular feminist magazine in Holland, reaches out to learn more about Blue Artichoke Films and the new world of ethical woman-made erotica.

In a two-page spread in the March 2009 issue, Opzij magazine interviews Jennifer about Blue Artichoke, Matinée, and how she decided she wanted to make explicit alternative erotica.


Opzij, the biggest feminist magazine in Holland, a feminist magazine that stands for the emancipation of women and men, with an eye towards debate, international relevance, culture, and diversity. Their theme for 2009 is “Bevlogen!” (“Impassioned!”).


This article is part of a regular series “Het Leven Van…” (“The Life…”) interviewing women who express their feminism in unconventional ways. You can read the article here.

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