Red Vic cinema in San Francisco showing all our films

Posted on June 15, 2010

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

Jennifer has been invited to curate an evening of "Sexy Euro Cinema" at San Francisco's famed Red Vic theater, as part of the cool new IXFF Good Vibrations Indie Erotic Film Fest. She has been invited to show her own work plus a selection of Europe's best new erotic film work.

Alongside the 5th annual Good Vibrations Indie Erotic Film Fest (IXFF 2010)  in September, Good Vibrations will be hosting a San Francisco erotic cinema evening featuring Blue Artichoke Films.

The venue is one of our favorite locales, the legendary Red Victorian Movie House in the Upper Haight. (The “Red Vic,” as San Franciscans call it.) Some of the seats are traditional theater seats, others are Victorian couches — perfect for you & a date. Do they still serve organic popcorn in wooden bowls like they did when we were in high school? We sure hope so.

This special “Sexy Euro Cinema” evening features Matinée, includes Headshot and a preview clip of Blue Artichoke Films’ as-yet-unreleased Belgian collaboration Skin.Like.Sun./Des Jours Plus Belles Que La Nuit, and fills out with a variety of other intriguing and stylish European erotica and porn clips hand-picked by Jennifer. Jennifer is pleased to be there in person to do a Q&A after her films.

Keep the date free — Tuesday, September 21st! — and keep an eye on Good Vibrations’ IXFF website for more info on how to score tickets as the date approaches.

We’re super-pleased to be part of this event not only because it’s Jennifer’s home city, but because we love Good Vibrations. Jennifer grew up in San Francisco being grateful for Good Vibrations as one of the only safe and friendly places to ask questions about womens’ sexuality, and it’s so fabulous that they’re still around and more influential than ever.

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