Belgian lad mag P-Mag features Blue Artichoke

Posted on September 28, 2009

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

It's awesome to see mens' magazines giving credit to alternative pornography. As the writer points out, women enjoy explicit sex too -- it's not all soft and loving.

For the second time in a week, Blue Artichoke films is featured in the Belgian media!


In the men’s lad mag P Magazine, Jennifer and Blue Artichoke Films are featured in a 3-page story.


Titled “Porno is pas sexy als de acteurs het echt graag done” (“Porn is sexy only when the actors are really into it”), Joanie de Rijke’s article questions the typical male perception that women can only enjoy soft, loving porn. Jennifer talks about how to find actors and actresses who really fancy each other, why making alternative erotic film takes longer than making traditional porn, and the different flavors of condoms available these days.

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