“De Zomer Draait Door” TV program features Blue Artichoke

Posted on July 1, 2009

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

Popular Dutch TV program De Zomer Draait Door (Endless Summer) featured Jennifer on a special about the Women Inc. televised Women and Sex event at Pakhuis de Zwijger. Jennifer had lots of fun, even though the clip here asks: "You studied at Harvard. Are your parents very disappointed in you?"

The summer edition of the popular national Dutch TV program De Wereld Draait Door, De Zomer Draait Door, sent their film crew to Women Inc. sexuality event on Monday, Women And Sex: An Exciting Evening of Sexuality, the Erotic, and Porn.


The episode aired on TV last night as part of the program De Jakhalzen. The show’s presentor Janine came and interviewed several of the evening’s participants, including sexologist Cora Emens, Actress/model/RedTent creator Afke Reijenga, the infamous Xaviera Hollander, and Jennifer.


Jennifer talks about what women find sexy, why you needn’t be a model to be a great erotic star, and what her parents think of her using her Harvard education to make erotic film.


There wasn’t really time to explain that we call our Blue Artichoke films explicit erotic film and not porn, but we’re happy for the exposure. And if Women Inc. calls us “progressive porn”, that’s cool by us.


Bonus: Hear Jennifer’s (very amusing) first Dutch sentence ever on national television. With all-Dutch panelists Hanni Jagtman (Mail & Female), Liesbet Zikkenheimer (Shespot.nl), Xavier Hollander, Afke Reijenga, and Mirjam Hemker (author of “Lesbian Sex: A Practical Handbook” and “The Lesbian Encyclopedia”) Jennifer decided it would be most fun to participate in Dutch.

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