Jennifer on “Porn vs. The Mainstream Press” panel


Jennifer on “Porn vs. The Mainstream Press” panel

Spektrum , Berlin
Thu, Oct 25 2018 @16:00 - 17:30

With ethical porn now in the public spotlight, film directors and performers discuss how to enjoy our activism in the mainstream press without getting burned.

Porn vs. the mainstream: dealing with journalists


Porn/erotic film directors and performers, like Jennifer,  get a million media requests. Some outlets are genuinely eager to help support our new sex-positive ethical-porn movement. Others are looking to take advantage. Kudos to the Pornfilmfestival Berlin for hosting this panel, “Porn vs. the Mainstream: Dealing with Journalists.”

It’s great that this panel brings together producer/directors (Jennifer, as well as Shine Louise Houston (Pink And White Productions and, cast (alternative porn performers Jiz Lee and Lina Bembe), and activists (Yvette Luhrs, who will also moderate the discussion).


The event is free and in English. Usually panel discussions are quite full, so come early to grab a seat.



Pornography in general and feminist pornography especially are often a point of interest for journalists. The relationship between us, the porn community, and the mainstream media is a troubled one.


Although we are passionate about our work and our activism, getting the message out to the general public seems to be an art in itself. A lot of time is spent educating people outside the porn community, often unpaid. Colleagues are engaged to take part in interviews and personal and collective stories are shared ‑ all this is done while being aware that the journalist might just run off with our stories.


This panel addresses how we choose to interact with journalists, if we think we need the mainstream at all and how to deal with misrepresentations. The panel is an invitation to start a broader discussion on how we can make our media advocacy more inclusive, ethical and healthy.

Location: Spektrum arts/cinema, Bürknerstraße 12, 12047 Berlin

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