Jennifer gives “Artishock” workshop at L-Salon

Posted on September 20, 2009

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

For Antwerp's lesbian feminist L-Salon, Jennifer has been invited to help the audience explore the feminist potential of pornography, especially porn made by women and sexual minorities. In "Artishock" we'll discuss visibility, desire, and the future of porn.

The lesbian collaborative L-Salon (Ghent, Belgium) has invited Jennifer to give a workshop about the relationship between feminism and pornography. L-Salon is calling the event Artishock –what a great name! Jennifer will illustrate her talk with clips from several new lesbian and queer “alternative” porn and erotic films.


Our discussion will include:


    • What are our typical assumptions about pornography?
    • Which branches of feminism traditionally oppose pornography, and why? Which criticisms still apply to new/alternative porn, or to specifically lesbian/queer/trans porn?
    • What positive role can new/alternative porn play in a feminist worldview?
    • What is the role of lesbian and transgender visibility in porn?
    • What elements of (female) sexuality deserve more attention in new/alternative porn? What do we still want to see?


Also, Ben of L-Salon will present a short talk about “post porn” with filmclips.

DATE: Saturday, October 3, 2009
TIME: 7:30pm-11:00pm
PLACE: Geuzenhuis, Kantienberg 9, Ghent (Belgium)
INFO: L-Salon?Facebook page



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