Jennifer is guest at the first Get A Room Film Series

Posted on June 19, 2011

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

The launch of the"Get A Room" documentary + discussion sex series will be a special Feminist Sex night, featuring Jennifer and her film well as Silver Shoes star Liandra Dahl, live all the way from Australia!

“Get A Room” is a new Utrecht film series with performances, presentations, and panels, created by Marije Janssen. It’s an initiative of her earlier successful sex-positive multimedia festival “Pinched: Sex Love, and Countercultures.

The once-a-month series will focus on different topics such as masculinity, polyamory, BDSM, and sex work.

The launch of “Get A Room” will be Feminist Sex night, featuring Jennifer and her film “Headshot”, as well as:

Feminist alternative porn performer and site owner Liandra Dahl (I Feel Myself, Abby Winters)
Screening of Annie Sprinkle’s classic “Herstory Of Porn”
Screening of shorts from the Swedish feminist porn compilation Dirty Diaries

Liandra, a friend of Jennifer’s, is only in Amsterdam through the end of August before moving back to Australia. So definitely don’t miss this chance to see her live in person, talking about her work.

Hope to see you there!

WHAT: “Get A Room” #1: Feminist Sex night
DATE: Friday, August 26
TIME: 8:00pm
VENUE: Cultdealer Enzo, Jansbrugkelder, Oudegracht 105 a/d Werf, Utrecht
TICKETS: Reserve a spot by e-mailing
COST: €7,00 includes a membership to Cultdealer Enzo
INFO: Facebook

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