Lover feminist magazine: Silver Shoes is tender and rough

Posted on May 16, 2015

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

Giving a great review to our film Silver Shoes, this feminist magazine appreciates how director Jennifer Lyon Bell explodes clichés about women's sexuality.

Rave review of Silver Shoes from LOVER Magazine


Pioneering Dutch feminist magazine LOVER gave our film Silver Shoes a rave review:

“Tender sex without romantic kitsch, rough sex without unpleasant power imbalances. A porn film to (at the very least) make you happy.”


An English translation in full:

“The feminist porn trilogy Silver Shoes paints three short stories of how sexuality thrives in small details: In the power of men’s clothing (“Silver Shoes: Undressed”), in everyday objects that arouse you (“Silver Shoes: The Housesitter”) and in the freedom that comes from breaking free of gender stereotypes (“Silver Shoes: Mimosa”). It’s up to the viewer to decide if these stories are connected. Silver Shoes leaves little to the imagination. And that’s the source of the film’s feminist nature: The characters dare to take what they want and dare to be taken if they want to. The film’s message is clear: Sex should always be fun for both parties, even if both parties don’t have the exact same needs. That’s the credo: Enjoying yourself through pleasuring someone else without anyone feeling dissatisfied, combined with a sense of curiosity and openness. The result is sex with a relaxed attitude and a lot of laughter. Tender sex without romantic kitsch, rough sex without unpleasant power imbalances. A porn film to (at the very least) make you happy.”



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