Playboy embraces Jennifer’s “porna” films as fun for guys too

Posted on September 1, 2016

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

Thanks to Playboy for a great article about porn for women ("porna") with interviews from Jennifer, Erika Lust, Ms. Naughty, Yvette Luhrs, Petra Joy, Kaat Bollen, and Luke Hotrod, summarizing: "Women's fantasies are every bit as kinky as men's." We couldn't agree more!

Playboy: Porna is for everyone

Playboy’s cover story “Trend: Porna — Also fun for guys! (Really!)”, is a great piece by journalist Melissa Janssens. She thinks women-made porn simply has lots of authenticity, something that not only women but men too crave. As she says, “”Women’s fantasies are every bit as kinky as men’s.” And she notes that 62% of women say they sometimes watch porn. Everyone benefits from hotter alternatives.


Oh, and I ended up telling Playboy the real truth behind my AnnaBelle-Liandra scene in Silver Shoes: Not only are their female orgasms real, but there were MORE that happened in real life than I could even include in the movie. I ended up leaving a few on the cutting-room floor for timing reasons! That’s what happens when you find amazing chemistry between performers, and give them some freedom to enjoy themselves. (Well, and AnnaBelle and Liandra are also spectacularly sexy people — the film is special because of them, and I’m so grateful.)


Playboy’s article

Read it online here: “The Coming of Women-Made Porn: Not Just Flaccid Knockoffs”


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