Jennifer’s Sexy Euro Cinema program sells out in S.F.

Posted on September 23, 2010

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

Of course San Francisco audiences would line up to get a glimpse of Europe's newest arty erotic cinema, and we're so glad they joined us at the Sexy Euro Cinema screening! The evening, moderated by sex-positive pioneer Carol Queen, was light, sexy, fun, and completely packed.

Thanks to everyone who helped make the Sexy Euro Cinema screening in San Francisco a fabulous success!

Our standing-room-only event at the Red Vic featured one of the best audiences we’ve had the pleasure of hosting. We’d heard that San Francisco’s IXFF audiences were sex-positive and mighty cool, and we were psyched to find it’s true.
MC and Good Vibrations rep Camilla Lombard (who is, we heard, an actual real-life rock star when she is not at GV) hepped up the crowd, and Dr. Carol Queen moderated the post-film discussion with excellent Q&A featuring the thoughtful audience’s questions. (Seriously, these were really good audience questions. We have heard some real doozies in our time.)

Special thanks to the Red Vic owner-operator staff, especially Greg, the evening’s smart and capable projectionist who made all the skin tones look really, really nice.

And of course: Special thanks to all the other filmmakers who made this event possible by letting us screen their films! We talked about a lot of the films and filmmakers onstage during the Q&A, but you can check out the list below if you’d like to learn more about their work:

Sexy Euro Cinema Films by Jennifer


1. Headshot (Dir. Jennifer Lyon Bell)
2. Life, a vignette from the feature Life Love Lust (Dir. Erika Lust)
3. Skin, a vignette from the feature Dirty Diaries (Dir. Elin Magnusson)
4. Pop Porn Party (Dir. Panik Qulture)
5. (latter half of the feature) Des Jours Plus Belles Que La Nuit (Dir. Murielle Scherre & Jennifer Lyon Bell)  And keep a lookout for its new English title, Skin. Like. Sun.”!
6. J’ai Rendez-Vous Avec Vous, a vignette from the feature J’Fais Du Porno Et J’Aime Ca (Dir. Murielle Scherre)
7. Matinée (Dir. Jennifer Lyon Bell)

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