Center For Sex and Culture invites Jennifer for talkshow

Posted on August 19, 2010

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

At the Talkshow series of San Francisco's Center For Sex and Culture, Jennifer has been invited to give a special preview of the film she co-directed with Murielle Scherre, "Skin. Like. Sun." (Des Jours). With a fun Q&A with Dr. Carol Queen, who was one of the first people ever to see the movie on the day it first screened.

Carol Queen, the internationally renowned sex writer/educator/activist and director of San Francisco’s Center for Sex and Culture, was a guest at the same Belgian festival where our film Des Jours Plus Belles Que La NuitĀ  — also known as Skin. Like. Sun. — had its premiere. So she was one of the very first people to see it. (Carol was invited by the Belgian festival to come give erotic candlelight readings which were, incidentally, awesome.)

Carol has graciously invited us back to CSC to show Des Jours in its entirety as part of her ‘Talkshow’ series at the Center. She’ll interview Jennifer for an hour or so about anything that tickles her fancy, and then Des Jours will run. Jennifer’s co-director Murielle Scherre (La Fille D’O) won’t be able to join us this time, due to commitments back in Belgium, but she’ll be there in spirit.

For more information on the film, see this News post.


WHAT: Talkshow with Carol Queen and Jennifer Lyon Bell, followed by “Des Jours Plus Belles Que La Nuit” screening
WHEN: Wednesday September 15, 2010
TIME: 8:00pm-9:30pm
WHERE: Center for Sex and Culture, 1519 Mission near 11th Street, San Francisco,
TICKETS: By donation at the door (doors open 7:30)

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