Jennifer gives Harvard speech: “The Soft Censorship Of Intimacy”

Posted on June 1, 2021

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

"The Soft Censorship of Intimacy": Jennifer gives a talk to Harvard alumni/ae about why we need to improve visibility and diversity of sexual information on platforms.


Harvard reunion speech


I’m honored that I was asked to speak at Harvard this weekend for our alumni, in honor of our reunion.


Twelve of us have been invited to talk about our journey, including pinpointing something that we’re actively struggling or engaging with right now, and our idea for a good solution.

“The Soft Censorship of Intimacy”


I’ll be speaking about “The Soft Censorship of Intimacy” – the surprising ways in which social media platforms, payment processors, and filmmaker tools all discriminate against sexual media (including sex education)  in a way that actually works against our goals as a society.


I’ll be joined by my fellow alumni/e who are experts in free speech, Hollywood special effects, criminal justice, theater, folk music, the Cherokee Nation, and more.


While this specific event is for alumni only, I’ll make my video-recorded talk publicly available afterwards. 

Stay tuned!
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