Film-professional magazine Masterfiles profiles Matinée

Posted on December 1, 2009

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

Film-professional magazine Masterfiles was interested in the camera craft behind Matinée; how did Jennifer choreograph, shoot, direct and edit a movie with an all-professional film team? Jennifer talks about how much she learned during the unique process.

The Dutch professional film magazine Masterfiles, for cinematographers, editors and other craftspeople, features Matinée in a cover story this month about the special posed by capturing sexual experience on the big screen.


The article, titled “The Intimacy Of Two Cameras,” talks about Jennifer’s shifting of traditional shooting and editing techniques in order to best capture the spontaneous sexuality of Matinée’s lovescene. They discuss Jennifer’s selection of cameras, shooting plan, different directing style for the narrative scenes vs. lovescene, postproduction processes, and the importance of editing when shooting sensitive material.


The article will appear in Masterfiles’s December issue.


Thanks to interviewer Ilse van der Stoep for taking time to explore the hidden side of Matinée: The hard work, and many dedicated production and postproduction collaborators who all made it a special film.

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