Adorn wins Best Dramatic Short Film award at CineKink/NY Film Festival

Posted on April 10, 2019

By Jennifer Lyon Bell

With so many great films screening this year at CineKink/NY, “the X-rated Sundance,” it’s a true honor to have our short film Adorn awarded the “Best Dramatic Short Film” prize at our USA premiere.

Winner: Best Dramatic Short Film


We are so proud to have Adorn win the “Best Dramatic Short Film” by the jury at the CineKink/NY Film Festival.


It was such fun to be there in person. New York is a great city, and meeting other erotic filmmakers at a festival like CineKink is priceless.


My giant thanks to the jurors and to film festival director Lisa Vandever for this honor!


Missed the festival but want to see Adorn? It’s exclusively available for streaming and download only on our on site, here.




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